Government and Opposition Lawmakers Clash at Serbian Parliament Session
Lawmakers from the ruling coalition and the opposition clashed in the Serbian Parliament after both sides held up signs and messages that provoked the other.
As the session was about to begin, lawmakers from both factions stood up and held banners. This led to shoving between government ministers and opposition MPs, prompting Speaker Ana Brnabic to call for security, which intervened in front of the podium.
The ruling majority formed a human barrier in front of the speaker's podium. What began as pushing escalated into a physical altercation.
The Speaker called on lawmakers to return to their seats.
"This is disgraceful, a shame for this parliamentary house, an insult to the victims and their families," Brnabic said.
Ruling party lawmakers then unfurled a banner on the balcony, which opposition MPs attempted to seize.
Prime Minister Milos Vucevic tried to present the proposed 2025 budget to the Parliament, but his address was drowned out by whistles and vuvuzelas. The Speaker called a recess to consult with parliamentary group leaders.
During the recess, the Speaker stated that opposition MPs had ripped out microphones and taken actions to prevent the continuation of the session.
Despite the disruptions, the session resumed. The opposition continued blowing whistles and sounding horns in an effort to interrupt proceedings. Since no one requested to speak, Brnabic concluded the debate on all agenda items, including the proposed 2025 budget, both in principle and in detail.
Poslanici vlasti i opozicije potukli su se u Skupštini Srbije nakon što su i jedni i drugi u rukama držali natpise i poruke, koje su drugu stranu isprovocirale. Predsednica parlamenta Ana Brnabić nastavila je sednicu posle pauze kako bi se konsultovala sa šefovima poslaničkih grupa.
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