Rod Blagojevic: A New Beginning of Cooperation and Friendship Between Serbia and US, I Understand Why Serbs Love Trump
Rod Blagojevic, an American of Serbian descent and one of Donald Trump's closest associates, stated for Newsmax Balkans that he is impressed by how Serbia is economically progressing and that he understands why the Serbian people love the US president.
"Serbia is now a very different country, almost as if I’ve arrived in something completely new. This is a country that has changed completely. I flew directly from Chicago here, which was once impossible," Blagojevic explained when asked about his impression of Serbia today.
Blagojevic said that it is evident that Serbia has made economic progress.
"I ran along the Danube, stayed at a hotel that didn’t even exist the last time I was here, and learned a lot about Belgrade on the Water. What’s happening for Expo 2027 and the fact that Belgrade will be the host is very important. I am impressed by how Serbia is advancing economically," he stated.
President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met in Belgrade with one of the closest associates of U.S. President Donald Tramp, Rod Blagojevic, to discuss issues of importance for Serbia-U.S. relations.
Rod Blagojevic traces his Serbian roots to his father, who married an American woman, and as he says, he has always loved Serbia equally and considers its people "family." In this context, he says he follows all events related to Serbia and is proud of what the country has achieved so far.
"Serbia has the second-largest growth in Europe. If the US president did something like Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, they would declare him a king. This is a new beginning of cooperation and friendship between Serbia and the US; Trump is a strong leader like Vucic. Trump and Vucic do not give pompous speeches but try to do what is necessary. Trump loves strong leaders, and the same people who hate Trump, hate Vucic," said Blagojevic.
He also reflected on his political successes, which lasted until, as he says, corrupt prosecutors went after him.
"The Serbian people love President Trump, I understand because I am part of that people. We admire strong leaders because that is a mirror of Serbia's history. Those who don't like either him or Vucic are a combination of crazy socialists who don't like the success of others and believe they can equalize people by pulling successful ones down. They are more interested in complaining than achieving results. If I were Trump or Vucic, I would be proud of the fact that such people don’t like me," Blagojevic emphasized.
Trump, as Blagojevic says, is already thinking about foreign policy and is doing everything opposite of Joseph Biden, who was against Serbia, especially regarding Kosovo.
"During the bombing of Serbia in 1999, no one listened to me; I said they would create a humanitarian catastrophe. What (Slobodan) Milosevic did in Kosovo was wrong, and that stands, but it was done after the bombing. At that time, I couldn't have any influence," he said.
Blagojevic says that the great thing about Trump now is that he does things without any self-interest, to make everything better because he doesn’t have to worry about the next elections.
"He can no longer be elected, and now he’s doing everything to improve the situation in America, as well as relations with other countries, to adjust to external factors. Unfortunately, we have prosecutors who believe that the law is their personal weapon. While I was in politics and on the side of the Democrats, I went to prison for 14 years, and Obama went to the White House. Trump recognized what was really happening, and I spent eight years in prison. From that perspective, I am personally grateful to him, and that’s where my inclination toward Republican politics comes from, as they have more weapons to fight against corruption among prosecutors," Blagojevic said.
Finally, he shared that he is very proud of his heritage and is especially happy that his daughters want to learn about Serbian culture and are interested in learning everything about Serbia, its people, and their grandfather, his father.
Umesto standardnog prikaza postignuća i titula, ovaj serijal pruža dubinski uvid u njihove životne puteve, izazove, unutrašnje borbe i trenutke koji su oblikovali njihov karakter.
Filmovi « Zastava filma » obuhvataju teme koje su najvećim delom vezane za događaje u kojima je vojska, kroz motiv odbrane zemlje, požrtvovanosti i hrabrosti, simbol jedne države i njenog istorijskog nasleđa. U tom pogledu dokumentarni filmovi obrađuju kako događaje pre Drugog svetskog rata, tako najvećim delom one priče koji su vezani za posledice ratnih godina ili i za same životne sudbine onih koji su bili deo njih. Svojim izborom tema filmovi « Zastava filma » su ceo svoj serijal posvetili i istoriji Jugoslovenske narodne armije koju su činili građani na odsluženju vojnog roka, njihovim pričama i dogodovštinama, ali i onim temama koje su deo razvoja moderne srpske vojske, a posebno njenom zadatku odbrane državnih granica. Duga filmska tradicija « Zastave filma » tako doprinosi rasvetljavanju jedne od najvažnijih tema za opstanak jednog društva i otvara brojne teme i dileme vezane za uspon i očuvanje teritorijalnih vrednosti srpske države
Prikazuje karusel dnevnih objava I najnovijih vesti, sagledanih iz svih uglova. Spoj popularnih priča I najvažnijih vesti koje ostaju vidiljive danima, često inspirisana glavnim događajem dana ili nedelje.
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu stupa u generalni štrajk od ponedeljka 17. marta i trajaće dok ne budu ispunjeni zahtevi studenata, potvrdila je za Newsmax Balkans profesorka tog fakulteta Valentina Arsić Arsenijević.
Vuk Drašković, koji je za vreme vladavine bivšeg predsednika Srbije i SRJ Slobodana Miloševića bio jedan od ključnih predstavnika opozicije i glavni akter prvih demonstracija 9. marta 1991. godine, izjavio je za Newsmax Balkans da u protestima studenata sada vidi zaostavštinu 9. marta 1991. godine.
Vlada Republike Srbije usvojila je izmenu i dopunu Uredbe o platama policijskih službenika, kojim je predviđeno uvećanje zarada za sve zaposlene u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova sa srednjom stručnom spremom.
Tužilaštvo BiH izdalo je naredbu za privođenje Milorada Dodika, Radovana Viškovića i Nenada Stevandića zbog optužbi za "napad na ustavni poredak". SIPA je potvrdila da je zatražena njena asistencija, a privođenje može izvršiti sudska policija uz pomoć bilo koje policijske agencije.
Bosnian state prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for Milorad Dodik, the president of Republika Srpska, along with several of his top officials, after they ignored a court summons.
Students are blocking the buildings of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) in Takovska Street and Radio Television of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, where strong police force is present.
A 40-year-old man, who was arrested on Sunday for attacking Serbia’s Minister of Culture, Nikola Selakovic, has reached a plea agreement with the prosecution.
President of Serbia attended a session of the government, where, as he stated, the current security situation in the country and the region was discussed, especially security challenges in Kosovo and Metohija, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as all aspects of the protests on March 15th.
The director of EXPO 2027, Dusan Borovcanin, told Newsmax Balkans that the opposition’s request to cancel the international exhibition in Belgrade does not pose a threat to its realization.
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