Telekom Srbija CEO: I am sure that MTS will get the third license in Kosovo, probably by the end of 2025.
The Chief Executive Officer of Telekom Srbija, Vladimir Lucic, says he is confident that MTS will receive a license to operate across the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija, most likely by the end of 2025.
After his fourth visit to Washington this year, Lucic stated that, as always, the main topic was the company's survival in Kosovo and Metohija.
"I am convinced that more and more people understand that only through the law we can fight against the administration of Kurti, which last year in August tried to shut us down and showed that we, as a telecommunications operator, are a hindrance to the 30,000 households there, as a foundation of normal life for Serbs. The example of Telekom shows that the main goal of that administration is to try to expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija," said Lucic.
Following that, Lucic added, they launched an offensive to open the issue of the third license, i.e., the possibility to operate across the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija.
"We have the greatest strength to build an optical and telecommunications network. We are known for our quality in the region," emphasized the CEO of Telekom.
Foto: Milena Đorđević
He highlighted that it was important to explain the situation to the ambassadors of the US, EU, and the UK in Pristina.
"I am confident that we will emerge as winners, that MTS will get the license, and I can even say that this will probably happen by the end of 2025," he stated.
Lucic mentioned Bank of America as a partner of Telekom, as well as the U.S. Export-Import Bank, which will finance 5G for Telekom Srbija, adding that the European Investment Bank is also financing the development of the 5G network.
"Telekom Srbija is now a company with great reputation both in Brussels and Washington," said Lucic.
The CEO of Telekom Srbija also stated that the 4G network in Serbia is one of the best in Europe, and that the 5G network represents technological progress that will be seen in the years to come.
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