Two New EU Grants Worth €14.7 Million Signed to Support Local Self-Government in Serbia
Contracts for the implementation of two new EU grants supporting local self-government – “EU Support to Integrated Territorial Development (EU Integra)” and “EU for Human Resource Management in Local Self-Governments - Phase III”, with a total value of €14.7 million – were signed in Belgrade.
The grant agreements were signed by the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, and the Secretary-General of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia (SCTM), Nikola Tarbuk, during the opening of the assembly organized by the SCTM.
The first project, "EU Support to Integrated Territorial Development (EU Integra)", funded by the EU under IPA 2024, is aimed at supporting local self-governments and regional development agencies in building their capacity to plan, implement, and monitor development projects based on sustainable urban and territorial development strategies.
The goal of this project is to enhance local and regional capacities to access and manage significantly larger and more complex projects.
The project will be implemented over the next 48 months and is valued at €12 million.
Foto: Tanjug/Strahinja Aćimović
The second project, "EU for Human Resource Management in Local Self-Governments - Phase III", funded by the EU under IPA 2024, aims to improve the human resource management system in local administrations in line with the competency framework and public administration reform strategy. It also seeks to enhance the capacity of local self-government units for professional development based on competencies.
This project will also be implemented over the next 48 months, with a total value of €2.7 million.
During the conference opening, Emanuele Giaufret, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, noted that discussions between the EU and the Government of Serbia are becoming increasingly intensive.
"We are focusing on accelerating reforms and negotiations over the next two years. This reform process will be supported with an additional €1.5 billion under the new growth plan, which will commence soon," Giaufret said.
He emphasized the importance of local self-governments in Serbia’s EU accession process.
At today’s 52nd assembly, the 20th anniversary of the EU Exchange Program – one of the longest-standing EU support programs for local self-government in Serbia – was also celebrated.
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
Expo dodatno obogaćuje program analizom privrednih i društvenih dešavanja regiona
Berza dodatno obogaćuju program analizom privrednih i društvenih dešavanja regiona
Lako je postaviti pitanje, umeće je dobiti pravi odgovor. Sinteza - ozbiljna priča!
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
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