Italy announces participation in Expo 2027 and support for Serbia’s EU path
President Aleksandar Vucic stated after a meeting with the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani that he is grateful for his visit during a difficult time and added that they discussed regional issues, as well as the internal situation in Serbia and protests.
Vucic told the media that the discussion about regional issues, including how to bring Serbia and the region closer to the EU, was of great importance.
"We have always had Italy’s support, and I believe we will continue to have it in the future. I was open in discussing the situation in our country with Mr. Tajani, although I know he is well aware of the situation here. I talked about both the civil and student protests, explained how long we believe the demands have been met, and called for dialogue, while refraining from using any force. It seems that we are handling this in a highly democratic manner, but of course, I am always ready to listen to other viewpoints and opinions," Vucic conveyed.
He emphasized that Serbia will continue to protect and preserve stability.
Tajani stated that Italy is observing the internal situation in Serbia with attention and does not wish to interfere, but believes that dialogue should occur and the crisis should be resolved without violence.
The Serbia-Italy Business Forum is the fourth forum organized by the two countries in less than a year and a half, said the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Cadez, adding that more than 500 entrepreneurs are attending the forum—350 from Italy and 200 from Serbia.
Tajani also mentioned that it was previously said that Serbia could become an EU member by 2030, but he believes it could happen sooner.
"It was said 2030, but I think it could be earlier. Italy will work to make it happen sooner," Tajani said, and President Vučić expressed gratitude for those words.
Tajani reiterated that Italy wants all obstacles to be overcome and for Serbia to become a full member of the European Union and its market. He stressed that the Balkans is a priority for Italy and added that they want Serbia to join the EU as soon as possible.
Vučić shared the exciting news that Italy will participate in the specialized Expo 2027, which will be held in Serbia.
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