More than 500 entrepreneurs at the Serbia-Italy Business Forum
The Serbia-Italy Business Forum is the fourth forum organized by the two countries in less than a year and a half, said the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Cadez, adding that more than 500 entrepreneurs are attending the forum—350 from Italy and 200 from Serbia.
"When we talk about the economic ties between the two countries, we are not only talking about numbers, but about people, innovation, and a shared future. The forum is a place where ideas turn into partnerships. We are here to discuss how we can jointly build factories, connect the IT industry, and become leaders in the green transition," said Cadez.
He added that these are the topics that entrepreneurs from the two countries will discuss today. According to him, Corridor 10 and the new port in Trieste are also among the topics of today’s meetings.
He thanked Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani, for attending the event, highlighting that this provides political support for cooperation between the countries.
President Vucic stated that the value of foreign trade exchange with Italy has exceeded five billion euros, with Serbia making up one-third of Italy’s trade exchange with the Western Balkans. However, the goal is for Serbia to increase its share.
Vucic emphasized that 1,200 Italian companies employ 24,000 workers in Serbia and thanked Tajani for supporting Serbia’s European path.
Tajani stated that the friendship between Italy and Serbia is reflected in all fields, especially in the economy, noting that Italy is Serbia’s third-largest trading partner.
He mentioned that trade between the two countries reached four billion euros in 2024, and data shows it will exceed this amount in the current year.
The Serbia-Italy Business Forum was organized by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the Italian Embassy and the Italian Trade Agency (ITA).
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Naš dokumentarni program otvara vrata u svet prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti Srbije i Balkana
,,Newsmax Originals’’ je serijal koji donosi najvažnije priče i događaje iz savremene američke istorije, pružajući gledaocima jedinstven uvid u teme koje su oblikovale Sjedinjene Američke Države i njihov uticaj na svet.
Slušamo „glas naroda“ koji će imati pravo da „traži reč“. Vikend koji ne odmara, već ima cilj da pronađe odgovore za celu porodicu.
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
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