The latest addition to Air Serbia’s fleet carries the registration code YU-ARE and the EXPO 2027 visual identity. Manufactured in 2014, it features a seating configuration of 22 seats in business class and 240 in economy.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a letter from German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, thanking him for the invitation and confirming Germany's participation in the EXPO 2027 in Belgrade, as announced by the Serbian Presidency.
Air Serbia has been named the best airline in Eastern Europe based on the results of a survey conducted by the prestigious U.S. magazine Global Traveler, the company announced.
The Secretary-General of the International Bureau of Exhibitions (BIE), Dimitri Kerkentzes, told Tanjug that, based on what he has seen so far, he has no doubt that Serbia’s authorities are taking the opportunity of hosting EXPO 2027 very seriously.
According to Air Serbia, the company’s CEO Jiri Marek emphasized that the new long-haul aircraft represents a significant reinforcement and will contribute to expanding the airline’s network of destinations.
"As the national airline, we aim to provide strong support for the EXPO 2027 specialized exhibition, which will take place in Belgrade from May 15 to August 15, 2027. That is why this aircraft carries the EXPO 2027 visual identity. We hope that passengers will enjoy the comfort provided by YU-ARE and that their flights to North America and China will be highly pleasant," said Marek.
Foto: Tanjug/Er Srbija
Dusan Borovcanin, Director of "EXPO 2027 Belgrade," stated that the EXPO 2027 visual identity on Air Serbia’s new aircraft symbolizes Serbia's strong global connectivity and the opportunity for Belgrade to showcase itself on the international stage through this specialized exhibition.
The aircraft is equipped with Rolls-Royce engines with a thrust of 71,100 N, a wingspan of 60 meters, a length of approximately 59 meters, and a maximum cruising altitude of 12,600 meters.
Predstavlja nastavak centralne informativne emisije „Presek“ i sastavni je deo popodnevnog informativnog bloka. Podrazumeva razgovor u studiju sa stručnim sagovornicima na temu dana u prepoznatljivom maniru Newsmaxa. Dinamika, stručnost, aktuelnost, više strana.
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Portal. Vaš prolaz u svet. Svakog radnog dana u 20h emisija koja objašnjava izbore, pregovore, sukobe i ratove. Otvorite portal i zakoračite izvan naših granica!
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Lako je postaviti pitanje, umeće je dobiti pravi odgovor. Sinteza - ozbiljna priča!
Filmske Novosti Predstavljaju segment obogaćuje program ekskluzivnim sadržajem koji oživljava prošlost i donosi neprocenjive kulturne vrednosti široj javnosti.
Studenti i članovi IT zajednice organizovali su protest ispred Palate Srbija, gde su od 11.52 časova održali petnaestominutnu tišinu za žrtve tragedije u Novom Sadu.
Telekom Srbija grupa postigla sporazum o kupovini NetTV Plus, DTH u Srbiji i Severnoj Makedoniji i licenci za prava na Sport klub za Zapadni Balkan od Junajted grupe.
Predsednik opštine Obrenovac Milorad Grčić uhapšen je po nalogu Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Beogradu zbog sumnje da je u vreme dok je bio v.d direktora JP EPS sa saradnicima oštetio to javno preduzeće. Uhapšen je i biznismen Aleksandar Papić, kao i još 10 osoba.
Srpsko društvo je u vrlo teškoj situaciji jer ni sa jedne strane ne postoji želja za kompromisom. Ako ne dobijemo bolje društvo i ne unapredimo sistem vlasti u zemlji, završićemo u diktaturi, izjavio je za Newsmax Balkans ekspert za odnose sa javnošću Borislav Miljanović.
Prosvetna ispekcija je u Vazduhoplovnoj akademiji utvrdila niz nepravilnosti zbog čega će Ministarstvu prosvete predložiti razrešenje vršioca dužnosti direktora ove škole, Miroslava Lepira, navodi se u Zapisniku o vanrednom inspekcijskom nadzoru, u koji je Newsmax Balkans imao uvid.
Case files related to potential criminal offenses concerning the collapse of the canopy at the Novi Sad Railway Station will be submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime, Branko Stamenkovic, Public Prosecutor, confirmed to Newsmax Balkans.
The Chief Public Prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanovic, stated that 15 suspects have been arrested, including the current president of the Obrenovac municipality, Milorad Grcic.
Telekom Srbija Group has reached an agreement to acquire NetTV Plus, DTH operations in Serbia and North Macedonia, and broadcasting rights for Sport Klub in the Western Balkans from United Group.
U.S. President Donald Trump congratulated Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the citizens of Serbia on Statehood Day, emphasizing his eagerness to further strengthen the partnership and collaborate on efforts to improve stability and economic development in the Western Balkans.
Idit Ohel, the mother of Alon, a young man of Serbian descent who was kidnapped by Hamas, said in an interview with Newsmax Balkans that her son is a strong person who will continue to fight for his life, but that it is crucial for him to return home as soon as possible to receive medical care.
Dusan Janjic from the Forum for Ethnic Relations and Milos Pavkovic from the Center for European Politics spoke to Newsmax Balkans about the elections in Kosovo and Metohija, whose official results are still awaited, as well as what this means for the Serbian List.
The President of Srpska Lista, Zlatan Elek, stated last night that Srpska Lista is the absolute winner of the elections for the assembly in Pristina, securing all 10 seats designated for Serbs.
The family of Serbian citizen Alon Ohel, who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023, has learned that he is alive, Israeli activist Aviva Klompas reported.
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