International Bureau of Exhibitions: EXPO 2027 Will Have a Significant Impact on Serbia, the Region, and Humankind
The Secretary-General of the International Bureau of Exhibitions (BIE), Dimitri Kerkentzes, told Tanjug that, based on what he has seen so far, he has no doubt that Serbia’s authorities are taking the opportunity of hosting EXPO 2027 very seriously.
He expressed confidence that the event in Belgrade will be an exceptional occasion with significant impacts on Serbia, the region, and humankind as a whole.
Kerkentzes highlighted that, during the selection of the host for the Specialized Exhibition EXPO 2027, BIE member states carefully considered proposals from the U.S., Spain, Argentina, Thailand, and Serbia. He noted that everyone in Serbia should take pride in convincing the world of its readiness to host the exhibition and garnering attention with its original theme, "Play for Humanity – Sports and Music for All."
"Given that no EXPO has ever been held in the Western Balkans, this success is even more significant for the entire region," he emphasized.
The Director of the company "Expo 2027," Dusan Borovcanin, handed over the flag of the specialized exhibition Expo to the Prime Minister of Serbia and the envoy of the President of the Republic, Miloš Vucevic.
Sinisa Mali, the first vice president of the government and minister of finance, stated that 28 countries have applied to participate in the specialized Expo exhibition in 2027.
Speaking about the criteria for host selection, Kerkentzes explained that member states base their decisions on investigative mission reports, the attractiveness and relevance of the proposed theme, and bilateral relations with candidate countries.
He stated that, before voting, all projects were thoroughly reviewed to ensure feasibility, compliance with EXPO regulations, and the theme’s relevance as a global inspiration for humankind.
"The theme presented by Serbia, centered on play, emphasizes creativity and problem-solving, which are universally important. Along with the theme, Serbia’s project was supported because it invites countries to participate in an international exhibition in a region that has not previously hosted one. This was undoubtedly a key factor for many BIE member states, as it represents an opportunity for broader regional cooperation," Kerkentzes said.
He described the theme of EXPO 2027 as highly original and creative, offering participants a significant opportunity to reflect on what play means to them.
Kerkentzes added that the number of international participants at such exhibitions has varied over time, depending on interest in the theme and broader geopolitical contexts. He assessed that strong international support for Serbia’s project, both for the theme and for hosting the first EXPO in this part of Europe, is very promising.
"I am confident that the goal of attracting 100 participating countries will be far exceeded. However, I always like to remind EXPO organizers that the most important aspect is not the number of participants but the quality of the content. With an original theme that has sparked significant global interest, the potential for beautiful, impressive, and inspiring exhibits is very high," he noted.
Jutarnji program „Otvori oči“ gledaocima nudi analizu aktuelnih dešavanja od prethodnog dana i najavu predstojećih događaja uz analizu eminentnih stručnjaka i renomiranih gostiju. Emisija nudi uvid u aktuelna pitanja, uz kvalitetne analize i inspirativne price naših dopisnika I reportera koji će se uvek naći “na pravom mestu u pravo vreme”.
Kroz epizode EXPO 2027, prikazujemo inovacije, naučna dostignuća, kulturnu i sportsku razmenu, kao i jedinstvene paviljone koje će posetioci imati priliku da vide.
Berza dodatno obogaćuju program analizom privrednih i društvenih dešavanja regiona
Filmovi « Zastava filma » obuhvataju teme koje su najvećim delom vezane za događaje u kojima je vojska, kroz motiv odbrane zemlje, požrtvovanosti i hrabrosti, simbol jedne države i njenog istorijskog nasleđa. U tom pogledu dokumentarni filmovi obrađuju kako događaje pre Drugog svetskog rata, tako najvećim delom one priče koji su vezani za posledice ratnih godina ili i za same životne sudbine onih koji su bili deo njih. Svojim izborom tema filmovi « Zastava filma » su ceo svoj serijal posvetili i istoriji Jugoslovenske narodne armije koju su činili građani na odsluženju vojnog roka, njihovim pričama i dogodovštinama, ali i onim temama koje su deo razvoja moderne srpske vojske, a posebno njenom zadatku odbrane državnih granica. Duga filmska tradicija « Zastave filma » tako doprinosi rasvetljavanju jedne od najvažnijih tema za opstanak jednog društva i otvara brojne teme i dileme vezane za uspon i očuvanje teritorijalnih vrednosti srpske države
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
U Skupštini Srbije došlo je do nereda i tuče, pošto su poslanici opozicije, nakon usvajanja dnevnog reda na sednici Skupštine, u sali bacili dimne bombe i upalili baklje. Predsednica parlamenta izjavila da je poslanica Jasmina Obradović doživela moždani udar. Posle nastavka sednice opet incidenti.
V. d. direktorka Pete beogradske gimnazije Danka Nešović izjavila je za Newsmax Balkans da ne razmišlja o ostavci i da su priče o njenoj nekompetentnosti "apsolutno netačne". S druge strane, profesori i učenici poručuju da su istrajni u svom zahtevu da direktor škole bude iz redova nastavnika.
Studenti treba da proglase pobedu i dozvole fakultetima da dišu. Opozicija mora da se urazumi, a vlast i Ustav da se menjaju, izjavio je istoričar i profesor Filozofskog fakulteta Čedomir Antić.
Devojčica D. M. koja je nestala u ponedeljak posle podne u Ubu, pronađena je u utorak nešto posle sedam časova. Ona je provela noć na minusu, nema vidljivih povreda i Hitna pomoć je odvezla u bolnicu na zbrinjavanje.
There was disorder and a fight in the Serbian Parliament after opposition MPs threw smoke bombs at government MPs in the hall following the adoption of the session's agenda. After the chaos, the session resumed.
Vladimir Lucic, the CEO of Telekom Srbija, stated at the 32nd Kopaonik Business Forum that the 5G network, which the company is working on, will be crucial for the development of the digital ecosystem not only in Serbia but also in the region.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) of Serbia continues its efforts to combat corruption throughout the country, releasing a statement about the results achieved during February.
Finance Minister Sinisa Mali stated that, according to the latest data, 75 countries have confirmed their participation in the specialized EXPO 2027 exhibition, including Montenegro.
The 32nd Kopaonik Business Forum was officially opened on Sunday with a welcome cocktail. On behalf of the organizers, the Serbian Association of Economists (SES), the president of the Association, Aleksandar Vlahovic, addressed the attendees.
The Ministry of Justice of Serbia has forwarded the request from the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office (VJT) in Belgrade to the U.S. Department of Justice for the delivery of necessary information regarding suspicions raised by the highest U.S. officials concerning the USAID.
American economist and professor at Columbia University Jeffrey Sachs stated that Serbia, which is a respected interlocutor in the region and globally, has the potential to support all its neighbours.
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