CEO of Telekom Srbija: 5G Network Will Be Crucial for the Development of the Digital Ecosystem
Vladimir Lucic, the CEO of Telekom Srbija, stated at the 32nd Kopaonik Business Forum that the 5G network, which the company is working on, will be crucial for the development of the digital ecosystem not only in Serbia but also in the region.
"Optical infrastructure and the 5G network will be crucial for the development of digital services and the digital economy in our country," said Lucic during the panel discussion "Launching the Digital Economy: Serbia's Path to Technological Excellence."
He added that the public will soon realize the important role Telekom plays in the development of digital systems and the digital economy. Lucic mentioned that 5G is the second most important element for the development of the digital economy.
"5G network will be crucial," Lucic stated.
He explained that this can be seen from several angles.
"First and foremost, it can be seen from the components of the technological conflict between the West and the East, which are part of the very 5G network where all future services will communicate, from robots, various machines, to sensors. Currently, there is effectively a global technological war over which network will be developed – whether it will be based on Western systems or Chinese ones," he pointed out.
The CEO of Telekom Srbija, Vladimir Lucic, stated that the 5G network will be launched in all major cities of Serbia by the end of the year and that the Expo represents a great opportunity for the company as it involves millions of new roaming service users.
Telekom Srbija Group has reached an agreement to acquire NetTV Plus, DTH operations in Serbia and North Macedonia, and broadcasting rights for Sport Klub in the Western Balkans from United Group.
He reminded that Telekom has become the largest company in the Western Balkans, and that from the very beginning of planning the introduction of the 5G network, it has had strong support from the European Investment Bank and the American Exim Bank.
According to him, both the EIB and Exim wish to support the development of 5G, not only to assist Telekom but because 5G is essential for the development of the digital ecosystem and to accelerate the digital ecosystem in the Western Balkans.
As he mentioned, the European Investment Bank and Exim Bank decided three years ago and last year to help Telekom build the 5G network as quickly as possible, and based on the quality of the current 4G network, he is certain that 5G will be of excellent quality, which will be very important for its development.
Lucic added that this improvement in coverage and quality will facilitate the automation of businesses using 5G, as well as those who wish to use it for regular systems. He emphasized that Telekom is committed to supporting Serbia's digital development, not only in the development of startups. He also mentioned that Telekom is financing 20 startup companies.
He concluded that Telekom's expansion into the Swiss, German, and US markets this year is very beneficial for promoting and selling the company's digital services, which is why they are working with startups and developing AI.
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