Mother of a Young Man of Serbian Origin Abducted by Hamas: I Feel He’s Alive, I'm Doing Everything to Bring Him Home
The war between Israel and Palestine has been ongoing for over a year. During this time, civilians have suffered, the sick have died without medicine, and children have gone missing. Among the abducted is Alon Ohel (23).
Alon’s mother, Idit Ohel, shared her experience and fight to have her son returned alive with Newsmax Balkans.
"Alon was kidnapped in Israel while attending a festival. We have footage of Hamas abducting him, so we know he was taken alive. As far as we know, there have been no updates – we don’t know where he is or in what condition. But we know he was abducted alive, and that’s all we know," Idit Ohel said on the show Presek.
Foto: Milena Đorđević
A week after the abduction, they began talks with the Serbian government, which has been supportive, she added.
"They tried to assist the Israeli government in every way to resolve this and bring the hostages home. This is not a political issue; it’s a humanitarian one. Many people were taken from their beds, some were killed, and some were injured... It was complete chaos. The terrorist organization Hamas committed all these heinous acts, and I believe the Serbian government wants this to end and for Alon, a Serbian citizen, to be freed," she said.
Israel’s Ambassador to Serbia, Avivit Bar-Ilan, said in an interview with Newsmax Balkans that the war in Gaza will not end until Hamas returns the 101 Israeli hostages, kidnapped in southern Israel in October of last year.
She reminded us that 424 days have passed, and it hasn’t been easy, adding that the Israeli government claims it is doing everything possible, but Hamas refuses to engage in dialogue.
"I think today there’s a better chance to do something; maybe there will be an agreement to bring the hostages home. It’s not easy because the situation is fragile," she said.
Foto: Milena Đorđević
Idit Ohel explained that the families of the hostages are in communication, trying to find ways to ensure the Israeli government and the world don’t forget that there are still hostages.
"I’ve attended some protests. There’s an organization through which mothers advocate for the return of their children. We are asking for our children to be returned. These are not physical protests; we just sit and express that desire. As mothers, we want our sons and daughters to come home," she said.
She added that the Red Cross has not seen any of the hostages, making it difficult for parents and family members as they have had no contact with the abducted during this time.
When asked whether she believes her son is alive, she responded affirmatively.
"Every mother will feel if something is wrong. I feel he’s alive; he’s connected to me. I gave birth to him; I gave him life, and that’s something inside me. That’s why I fight so hard, because I know he wants me to fight and do everything I can to ensure he comes home. That’s what I must do," Idit Ohel concluded.
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Predstavlja nastavak centralne informativne emisije „Presek“ i sastavni je deo popodnevnog informativnog bloka. Podrazumeva razgovor u studiju sa stručnim sagovornicima na temu dana u prepoznatljivom maniru Newsmaxa. Dinamika, stručnost, aktuelnost, više strana.
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