EU Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Opening Cluster 3 with Serbia Again
Ambassadors of EU member states have once again failed to reach an agreement on opening Cluster 3, which pertains to competitiveness and inclusive growth, in Serbia’s accession negotiations.
Discussions on this issue will continue, the Tanjug news agency was informed following deliberations during a meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives of EU Member States (Coreper II), chaired by Hungary’s permanent representative as the presiding country of the EU Council.
Contracts for the implementation of two new EU grants supporting local self-government – “EU Support to Integrated Territorial Development (EU Integra)” and “EU for Human Resource Management in Local Self-Governments - Phase III”, with a total value of €14.7 million – were signed in Belgrade.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met in Brussels with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Kaja Kallas, and stated that they had an open and difficult conversation.
The European Commission, in its report on Serbia, published as part of the 2024 Enlargement Package, stated that Cluster 3 is technically ready for opening and emphasized that the overall pace of negotiations will continue to depend on reforms in the rule of law and the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.
Cluster 3 includes eight chapters related to the information society and media, taxation, economic and monetary policy, social policy and employment, entrepreneurship and industrial policy, science and research, education and culture, and the customs union.
Serbia last opened negotiation chapters with the EU in December 2021.
,,Newsmax Originals’’ je serijal koji donosi najvažnije priče i događaje iz savremene američke istorije, pružajući gledaocima jedinstven uvid u teme koje su oblikovale Sjedinjene Američke Države i njihov uticaj na svet.
Slušamo „glas naroda“ koji će imati pravo da „traži reč“. Vikend koji ne odmara, već ima cilj da pronađe odgovore za celu porodicu.
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Predstavlja nastavak centralne informativne emisije „Presek“ i sastavni je deo popodnevnog informativnog bloka. Podrazumeva razgovor u studiju sa stručnim sagovornicima na temu dana u prepoznatljivom maniru Newsmaxa. Dinamika, stručnost, aktuelnost, više strana.
Portal. Vaš prolaz u svet. Svakog radnog dana u 20h emisija koja objašnjava izbore, pregovore, sukobe i ratove. Otvorite portal i zakoračite izvan naših granica!
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Poslanica "Saveza Sara Vagenkneht" u nemačkom Bundestagu Žaklin Nastić optužila je Alternativu za Nemačku (AfD) da "patnju i nepravdu koja je učinjena Srbiji" zloupotrebljava u jeftine predizborne svrhe kako bi dobila glasove Srba iz dijaspore.
Pripadnici MUP, Odeljenja za borbu protiv korupcije Uprave kriminalističke policije, u saradnji sa Posebnim odeljenjem za suzbijanje korupcije Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Nišu, uhapsili su četiri osobe zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da su izvršile krivično delo zloupotreba službenog položaja.
Za Arenu Sport počinje novo doba, biće prisutna kod svih kablovskih operatera. Sa televizijama Euronews i Newsmax Balkans imamo velike ambicije, izjavio je u emisiji Stav dana direktor Telekoma Vladimir Lučić.
Uprava kriminalističke policije je po nalogu Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Nišu počela sa pretresima i privođenjima osumnjičenih na više lokacija u Nišu u nastavku akcije borbe protiv korupcije. Bivša gradonačelnica Dragana Sotirovski privedena je na graničnom prelazu Preševo.
Pripadnici Uprave kriminalističke policije, po nalogu Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Beogradu, uhapsili su pet osoba na teritoriji Vojvodine u okviru nastavka akcije borbe protiv korupcije.
Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anti-Corruption Department of the Criminal Police Directorate, in cooperation with the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Nis, arrested four individuals.
We know the flaws of the European Union (EU), and we shouldn't glorify it, but for Serbia, there is nothing better and no alternative, said Jelica Minic from the European Movement.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, opened the 46th International Tourism Fair and, on this occasion, highlighted that 61 countries have confirmed their participation in Expo 2027 in Belgrade.
The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the closing arguments, requested a prison sentence for the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, closer to the maximum of five years, and a 10-year ban on holding public office, while his defense attorney requested an acquittal.
According to the new central projection of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), inflation in Serbia will continue to stay within the target range for the next two years, which is 3.0 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent, said NBS Vice Governor Zeljko Jovic.
The General Director of Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, stated that he is optimistic regarding the extension of the deadline for the imposition of US sanctions on NIS, and that it is currently difficult to predict by how long the deadline will be extended—whether by 45 or 90 days.
President of the United States, Donald Trump, appointed Serbian-American John Jovanovic as the President and CEO of the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM).
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