President Vucic Meets with Scholz: German Chancellor Views the Jadar Project Positively
President Aleksandar Vucic stated that during his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Freiberg, they discussed not only mining projects but also Kosovo and Metohija, other key issues, and the geopolitical situation.
Vucic emphasized that their conversation covered the strategic relations between Serbia and Germany, as well as future initiatives.
"With reference to the U.S. elections and their implications for Europe, this was a comprehensive discussion. Germany is also dealing with elections in February and is yet to finalize governance in Saxony. We explored ways to secure the best expertise for a potential mining project, ensuring environmental protection and proper land reclamation post-mining," Vucic explained.
He expressed confidence that Serbia and Germany's cooperation will enable the exchange of expertise and training opportunities for young Serbian professionals in mining and geology.
"I believe we accomplished significant progress today, showcasing a closer relationship between Serbia and Germany. I regret that some anti-government media representatives, including United Group, BIRN, KRIK, and opposition MPs, failed to convey the true scope of what they observed here. Germany is opening not one but several lithium mines, not just in Saxony but also in the Rhine region and other areas," Vucic said.
Germany Approves of the Jadar Project
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed that his government views the Jadar project positively, as well as lithium mining in Germany, provided high environmental standards are met.
At a joint press conference with Vucic, Scholz highlighted the EU's adoption of the Critical Raw Materials Act to secure supply chains.
"We visited Saxony's Mining Directorate in Freiberg to learn about sustainable lithium extraction methods that preserve nature and the environment," Scholz said.
Foto: Tanjug/AP/Christoph Reichwein
He emphasized that sustainability is a priority across Europe and that the EU is keen to participate in Serbia's lithium extraction project in the Jadar Valley.
"As the German government, we view this project favorably, just like our own lithium mining initiatives in the Upper Rhine Basin," Scholz stated.
He noted that the growing demand for lithium underscores the importance of developing such projects across Europe.
"This isn't a competition; it's about mutual support, ensuring adherence to high environmental standards. Local acceptance is also critical, as residents often worry about potential environmental impacts. That's why maintaining strict environmental safeguards is essential, and we discussed this in detail during our visit," Scholz explained.
He also pointed out ongoing collaboration between Serbia and Germany on other topics, including the EU accession process for Western Balkan states.
"Attention must be given to numerous issues, and President Vucic is actively working on this process. We will continue to offer support wherever possible, focusing on reforms to strengthen the rule of law, media freedom, and more. Additionally, fostering good neighborly relations in the region, particularly between Serbia and Kosovo, remains crucial. We are working to support both sides in implementing the agreed framework," Scholz concluded.
Slušamo „glas naroda“ koji će imati pravo da „traži reč“. Vikend koji ne odmara, već ima cilj da pronađe odgovore za celu porodicu.
Nepoznate priče prirode je dokumentarni serijal koji istražuje netaknutu lepotu prirodnih predela Srbije, otkrivajući skrivene tajne, jedinstvenu floru i faunu, kao i živote ljudi koji ih okružuju.
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
Klasična forma intervjua sa ključnim akterima iz sveta politike, biznisa i društva. Otkrivamo manje poznate aspekte aktuelnih događaja i donosimo dublji uvid u najvažnije izazove i prilike današnjice. “Stav nedelje” postavlja prava pitanja i insistira na odgovorima koje nećete čuti nigde drugde.
Naš dokumentarni program otvara vrata u svet prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti Srbije i Balkana
Poslanica "Saveza Sara Vagenkneht" u nemačkom Bundestagu Žaklin Nastić optužila je Alternativu za Nemačku (AfD) da "patnju i nepravdu koja je učinjena Srbiji" zloupotrebljava u jeftine predizborne svrhe kako bi dobila glasove Srba iz dijaspore.
Pripadnici MUP, Odeljenja za borbu protiv korupcije Uprave kriminalističke policije, u saradnji sa Posebnim odeljenjem za suzbijanje korupcije Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Nišu, uhapsili su četiri osobe zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da su izvršile krivično delo zloupotreba službenog položaja.
Za Arenu Sport počinje novo doba, biće prisutna kod svih kablovskih operatera. Sa televizijama Euronews i Newsmax Balkans imamo velike ambicije, izjavio je u emisiji Stav dana direktor Telekoma Vladimir Lučić.
Uprava kriminalističke policije je po nalogu Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Nišu počela sa pretresima i privođenjima osumnjičenih na više lokacija u Nišu u nastavku akcije borbe protiv korupcije. Bivša gradonačelnica Dragana Sotirovski privedena je na graničnom prelazu Preševo.
Srbija je odavno zrela za reforme i studentski pokret je otvorio nadu za to. Studentski protesti su energija za reformu koja Srbiji zaista treba, podsetili su nas na patriotizam, solidarnost, jednakost, izjavio je predsednik Foruma za etničke odnose Dušan Janjić.
Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anti-Corruption Department of the Criminal Police Directorate, in cooperation with the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Nis, arrested four individuals.
We know the flaws of the European Union (EU), and we shouldn't glorify it, but for Serbia, there is nothing better and no alternative, said Jelica Minic from the European Movement.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, opened the 46th International Tourism Fair and, on this occasion, highlighted that 61 countries have confirmed their participation in Expo 2027 in Belgrade.
The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the closing arguments, requested a prison sentence for the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, closer to the maximum of five years, and a 10-year ban on holding public office, while his defense attorney requested an acquittal.
According to the new central projection of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), inflation in Serbia will continue to stay within the target range for the next two years, which is 3.0 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent, said NBS Vice Governor Zeljko Jovic.
The General Director of Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, stated that he is optimistic regarding the extension of the deadline for the imposition of US sanctions on NIS, and that it is currently difficult to predict by how long the deadline will be extended—whether by 45 or 90 days.
President of the United States, Donald Trump, appointed Serbian-American John Jovanovic as the President and CEO of the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM).
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