Request from the Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade regarding USAID forwarded to the Americans
The Ministry of Justice of Serbia has forwarded the request from the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office (VJT) in Belgrade to the U.S. Department of Justice for the delivery of necessary information regarding suspicions raised by the highest U.S. officials concerning the USAID.
These suspicions concerning the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) involve the misuse of funds, potential money laundering, and the improper spending of American taxpayer funds in Serbia, with statements also mentioning non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Serbia.
The request, which the VJT in Belgrade created a case for, was sent by the Ministry of Justice of Serbia to the U.S. Department of Justice in accordance with the rules on international legal assistance in criminal matters, as stated by the Serbian Ministry in a statement.
The Chief Public Prosecutor of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanovic, announced that the Special Department for Combating Corruption has opened a case and contacted the U.S. Department of Justice for the necessary information regarding suspicions raised about USAID.
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt highlighted some examples of "malicious" and "wasteful" spending by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), including one and a half million dollars for programs promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in workplaces in Serbia.
As the Chief Public Prosecutor of VJT in Belgrade, Nenad Stefanovic, announced a few days ago, the reason for addressing the U.S. Department of Justice is the fact that the allocation and spending of USAID funds are not automatically accessible to the prosecutor's office. Instead, according to the rules established by USAID itself, the agency decides which information to provide to the prosecutor's office only after the prosecutor's office proves to USAID that there are specific suspicions of irregularities and money laundering.
This request follows the pre-investigation procedure that the Special Department for Combating Corruption of the VJT in Belgrade initiated to determine whether there are elements of criminal offenses related to the abuse of official position and money laundering as defined in the Criminal Code, against currently unknown individuals, as stated by Stefanovic.
He emphasized that the excessive concentration of funds in the accounts of several NGOs or related consulting firms in Serbia, combined with the non-transparent process of fund allocation to a narrow circle of NGOs and the absence of comprehensive financial reports, indicates grounds for suspicion about the legality of USAID’s spending.
The U.S. Department of Justice is specifically being asked for assistance in obtaining evidence, providing information or potential expert findings, delivering financial, economic, or business records (contracts, invoices, etc.), obtaining data from banks or other financial institutions, and identifying or locating criminal proceeds or other information that could serve as evidence in the criminal proceedings in Serbia before the competent court.
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,,Newsmax Originals’’ je serijal koji donosi najvažnije priče i događaje iz savremene američke istorije, pružajući gledaocima jedinstven uvid u teme koje su oblikovale Sjedinjene Američke Države i njihov uticaj na svet.
Filmovi « Zastava filma » obuhvataju teme koje su najvećim delom vezane za događaje u kojima je vojska, kroz motiv odbrane zemlje, požrtvovanosti i hrabrosti, simbol jedne države i njenog istorijskog nasleđa. U tom pogledu dokumentarni filmovi obrađuju kako događaje pre Drugog svetskog rata, tako najvećim delom one priče koji su vezani za posledice ratnih godina ili i za same životne sudbine onih koji su bili deo njih. Svojim izborom tema filmovi « Zastava filma » su ceo svoj serijal posvetili i istoriji Jugoslovenske narodne armije koju su činili građani na odsluženju vojnog roka, njihovim pričama i dogodovštinama, ali i onim temama koje su deo razvoja moderne srpske vojske, a posebno njenom zadatku odbrane državnih granica. Duga filmska tradicija « Zastave filma » tako doprinosi rasvetljavanju jedne od najvažnijih tema za opstanak jednog društva i otvara brojne teme i dileme vezane za uspon i očuvanje teritorijalnih vrednosti srpske države
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