Company That Sold the Device to Police Confirms LRAD Was Not Used at the Protest in Belgrade
Minister of Internal Affairs Ivica Dacic stated that a "key piece of evidence" was made public, confirming that LRAD was not used at the March 15 gathering in Belgrade. This was verified by the American manufacturer Genasys.
"A key piece of evidence has been revealed, debunking all lies and manipulations and confirming that we have told the truth: the so-called sound cannon was not used at the gathering in Belgrade. This has been confirmed by the American manufacturer Genasys, from which the Ministry of Internal Affairs purchased the devices in 2021," Dacic stated in a written announcement, as reported by the Ministry.
Dacic emphasized that Genasys explicitly stated that the video and audio recordings they received do not support the claim that LRAD, or the so-called sound cannon, was used at the March 15 gathering.
"What more is needed to put an end to these lies – other than claiming that even the manufacturers do not know what they produce and sell?" Dacic asked, as cited in the Ministry's statement.
The First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has launched an investigation and instructed the police to determine what exactly happened during Saturday’s protest when a loud and unusual sound caused panic, prompting people to run, push, and fall on King Milan Street.
Uncertainty still surrounds the events of the March 15 protest in Belgrade, held in honor of the victims of the tragedy in Novi Sad. Chris Mattmann, data analyst and former chief technology officer at NASA, believes that video footage does not indicate the use of a "sound cannon."
He also noted that the manufacturer's statement and the demonstration of the device, which is used for voice warnings, "do not suit the creators and disseminators of lies." He accused opposition media of deliberately ignoring this information because "it undermines their narrative that the bigger the lie, the more easily it will be accepted."
"This is the end of all deception and lies. The so-called sound cannon was not used on March 15 or at any time by Serbian police – unlike in many other countries, which happen to be sponsors of the protests in Serbia," Dacic asserted.
Genasys posted on X that the video and audio evidence they reviewed did not support the claim that LRAD was used during the March 15 incident in Belgrade.
Genasys Responds to Inquiries Regarding March 15th Incident in Belgrade, Serbia
The video and audio evidence we have seen and heard thus far does not support the use of an LRAD during the March 15th incident in Belgrade, Serbia.
Newsmax Balkans televizija nastavlja ekspanziju u regionu. U ponedeljak, 24. marta, pokrenut je poseban kanal u BiH i počeli smo sa emitovanjem programa u Crnoj Gori gde je otvoreno prošireno dopisništvo Newsmax Balkansa.
Ukazima predsednika Aleksandra Vučića, koji su objavljeni u Službenom glasniku, na dužnost izvanrednog i opunomoćenog ambasadora Republike Srbije u SAD postavljen je Dragan Šutanovac, a opozvana je Jelena Milić sa dužnosti izvanrednog i opunomoćenog ambasadora u Hrvatskoj.
Predrag Milovanović iz Udruženja tužilaca Srbije istakao je u razgovoru za Newsmax Balknas da predsednik države nije nadležan da vrši selekciju u tužilaštvu, dok je Vladimir Gajić dodao da ni sud ni tužilaštvo nikada nisu bili samostalni ni nezavisni.
U Višem sudu u Beogradu odloženo je suđenje dvojici optuženih za krivično delo Nasilničko ponašanje, odnosno napad na studente Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti 22. novembra prošle godine, nakon što je trećeoptužena priznala delo i zaključila sporazum sa tužilaštvom.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Antonio Costa announced that they had an important meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, emphasizing that Serbia's future lies in the European Union.
By the decree of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, which was published in the Official Gazette, Dragan Sutanovac has been appointed as the Ambassador to the United States.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the European Union's Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Peter Sorensen, in Belgrade, and during the meeting, he informed him about the problems faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.
Newsmax Balkans television is continuing its expansion in the region. On Monday, March 24, a dedicated channel was launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and broadcasting began in Montenegro, where the Newsmax Balkans bureau has been significantly expanded.
The Serbian government has sent a letter to the U.S. administration expressing support for the request by Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) to postpone the implementation of sanctions announced by the United States due to the company's Russian ownership.
The 18-year-old who was seriously injured in the canopy collapse at the Novi Sad Railway Station on November 1st has died at the Military Medical Academy (VMA).
The resigning Prime Minister of Serbia Milos Vucevic stated that he sent a letter to U.S. Vice President JD Vance, in which he supported the initiative of Serbian President to involve U.S. investigative authorities in the examination of the claims regarding the use of a "sound cannon" on March 15th.
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte announced that he and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic discussed the crucial importance of maintaining regional security, as well as ways to further strengthen NATO-Serbia relations.
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