Djuric: Improving Relations with Croatia Is in Serbia's Interest Despite Political Challenges
Serbia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marko Djuric, commented on the victory of Zoran Milanovic in Croatia's presidential elections, stating that it is very important for Serbia to build good, solid, and quality relations with Croatia, regardless of whether this is politically popular or not.
"When you look at the map, the areas where part of our people still live, as well as our vital economic, security, and other interests – you will see that improving relations with Croatia is important for the overall picture of our region," Djuric said in a morning program on RTS.
He expressed satisfaction that Serbia has established quality cooperation with the government of Andrej Plenkovic.
"We have already gone through a period of mutual acquaintance. We’ve overcome certain challenges, and I hope that this will lead to better economic and political cooperation in the future. Despite all the differences we have related to recent history, I would say that when we talk about the future, we have far more reasons to cooperate than to divide," Djuric added.
"Finding the Best Solutions for NIS"
Regarding the imposition of U.S. sanctions on Russian entities, which also includes the Serbian Oil Industry (NIS), the Serbian Foreign Minister emphasized that Serbia will insist on respecting principles and fair negotiations in these circumstances.
"Our government has already started technical negotiations with American partners, and we are working on finding the best solutions for the country," Djuric said.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, announced after discussions with José Fernandez, the U.S. Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, that there are no good news for Serbian citizens but assured that Serbia will maintain stability and energy security.
On energy stability, he explained that Serbia has taken all necessary measures to ensure the supply of citizens and the economy.
"There will be no shocks in the energy market. New units have been opened in our thermal power plants, and cooperation with partners such as Azerbaijan significantly contributes to security," Djuric noted.
"The Situation in Kosovo and Metohija Is Extremely Difficult"
He stated that the situation for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is extremely difficult, in light of the latest developments ahead of parliamentary elections in the province.
"Under the regime of Albin Kurti, we are witnessing gross violations of human rights and international agreements. The people in Kosovo and Metohija have hardly seen worse days since World War II than those under Kurti's regime. It is important for our people to remain united and for the Serbian List to participate in the elections so that we show that we will not retreat," Djuric emphasized.
He expressed hope that "this level of human rights violations, democracy, and breaches of international agreements will finally open the eyes of those who have supported Pristina until now," and urged Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to preserve their unity
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Oko 11.30 došlo je do tuče između građana i privatnog obezbeđenja ispred Skupštine Beograda nakon održane sednice. Tridesetak minuta kasnije pripadnici obezbeđenja verbalno su se sukobili sa žandarmerijom u holu skupštine, a potom je došlo i do međusobnog guranja, javio je reporter Newsmax Balkans.
Poslanici Skupštine Srbije većinom od 166 glasova usvojili su izmene i dopune Zakona o Visokom obrazovanju, kojima je, prema rečima predsednice parlamenta Ane Brnabić, ispunjen četvrti zahtev studenata u blokadi. Skupština će nastaviti sa radom u utorak, 11. marta.
Poslanici Skupštine Srbije nastavljaju prvu sednicu redovnog prolećnog zasedanja raspravom u pojedinostima o zakonskim predlozima koji su na dnevnom redu, a među kojima su i izmene Zakona o visokom obrazovanju, kao i zakon kojim se obezbeđuju povoljni stambeni krediti za mlade.
Predsednik SAD Donald Tramp na zajedničkoj sednici Kongresa u utorak uveče govorio je o dostignućima otkako je inaugurisan u Kapitolu, uzvikujući "tek smo počeli". Pričao je i o "bacanju novca" u Srbiji, carinama, i odnosu ukrajinskog predsednika Volodimira Zelenskog koji je poslao pismo.
Speaking about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that every dialogue is better than displays of power and force, emphasizing that issues should be resolved through discussion and negotiation.
The Serbian Parliament has passed amendments to the Law on Higher Education, fulfilling what Speaker Ana Brnabic described as the fourth demand of the protesting students who had been blocking institutions.
In front of the Belgrade Assembly building, where a session was being held, a physical altercation broke out between citizens and members of private security personnel.
The Speaker of the Serbian Parliament, Ana Brnabic, announced that the request from Pristina for special guest status has been removed from the agenda of the meeting of the Political Committee of the Council of Europe (PACE).
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Vice-President and Special Representative on South East Europe Kyriakos Hadjiyianni (Cyprus) has strongly condemned the violent incidents that occurred during today’s parliamentary session in the Republic of Serbia.
There was disorder and a fight in the Serbian Parliament after opposition MPs threw smoke bombs at government MPs in the hall following the adoption of the session's agenda. After the chaos, the session resumed.
Vladimir Lucic, the CEO of Telekom Srbija, stated at the 32nd Kopaonik Business Forum that the 5G network, which the company is working on, will be crucial for the development of the digital ecosystem not only in Serbia but also in the region.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) of Serbia continues its efforts to combat corruption throughout the country, releasing a statement about the results achieved during February.
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