Guests on Newsmax Balkans about the elections in Kosovo and Metohija: "Kurti will not be able to form a government"
Dusan Janjic from the Forum for Ethnic Relations and Milos Pavkovic from the Center for European Politics spoke to Newsmax Balkans about the elections in Kosovo and Metohija, whose official results are still awaited, as well as what this means for the Serbian List.
"A law was adopted in Kosovo for the elections before these elections, and an online platform was introduced, but it did not prove to be a good tool. The numbers fluctuated because we relied on what the parties were monitoring. Kurti’s result is certainly below 50 percent, and this is because he created an atmosphere for or against him. He had a series of diplomatic blunders, as he significantly degraded Kosovo's relations with the most important partners. The trend is toward a change of government in Pristina," Pavkovic said.
Janjic emphasized that Kurti will not be able to form a government with this result.
"Kurti has the most votes, but he won’t be able to form a government. If Kurti reached 48 percent, he could. The day after the elections, we can talk about trends, and the trend is that Kurti’s popularity is decreasing. For Serbs, it is good that the Serbian List now has an opportunity and must act through institutions. However, a different approach and strong cooperation with Belgrade, along with economic development, are necessary," Janjic noted.
"The Serbian List will be necessary in forming the government"
Pavkovic added that it is significant that the Serbian List managed to overcome the crisis, from almost being labeled a terrorist organization to now having ten mandates.
"They will be important, necessary in forming the government. The Serbian List had the only official support from Belgrade and passed a major test," emphasized our interlocutor.
"Every Serbian mandate is important for Kurti"
The program also featured political scientist Ognjen Gogic from Gracanica.
"We don’t know what the position of the Serbian List is towards the institutions, whether they plan to boycott the parliament as they have done so far or if they will actively participate in the parliament and later in the government, because with ten mandates they have one minister. We don’t know how that will turn out; they haven’t made a statement about it, and that’s what we’re waiting for. Every mandate is important; whether it will be with them or taken by another party, it is very important for Kurti," said Gogic.
U.S. President's Special Envoy for Kosovo, Richard Grenell, says that the statements by the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions, Albin Kurti, claiming that relations between Washington and Pristina are "stronger than ever," show that he is "mistaken".
The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, interrupted and walked out of talks in Brussels due to what he described as "unprecedented terror and institutional violence" by Pristina and Albin Kurti against Serbs, Newsmax Balkans has learned from the Belgrade delegation.
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Tužilaštvo BiH izdalo je naredbu za privođenje Milorada Dodika, Radovana Viškovića i Nenada Stevandića zbog optužbi za "napad na ustavni poredak". SIPA je potvrdila da je zatražena njena asistencija, a privođenje može izvršiti sudska policija uz pomoć bilo koje policijske agencije.
Te godine kada je ubijen, Zoran Đinđić je imao nameru da rešimo tri velika problema. To su borba sa kriminalom, odnosi sa Crnom Gorom i kosovsko pitanje, rekao je bivši srpski premijer Zoran Živković za Newsmax Balkans.
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The director of EXPO 2027, Dusan Borovcanin, told Newsmax Balkans that the opposition’s request to cancel the international exhibition in Belgrade does not pose a threat to its realization.
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