Talks in Brussels Interrupted: Chief Negotiator for Belgrade Walks Out of Missing Persons Commission Meeting
The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, interrupted and walked out of talks in Brussels due to what he described as "unprecedented terror and institutional violence" by Pristina and Albin Kurti against Serbs, Newsmax Balkans has learned from the Belgrade delegation.
The meeting of the Joint Commission for Missing Persons was scheduled to take place in Brussels as the beginning of implementing agreements from the dialogue. However, as Newsmax Balkans reports, this was deemed "impossible under the current conditions created specifically today by Kurti, clearly with the intention of undermining the Dialogue and agreements on missing persons."
Petkovic is expected to address the public later today directly from Brussels.
Earlier in the day, Petkovic wrote on his social media account on X that a large number of Serbian municipalities, social work centers, and post office branches were being forcibly shut down. He pointed out this as the reason why Besnik Bislimi failed to appear in Brussels today.
Representatives of the Serbian List submitted an appeal to the Election Appeals and Complaints Panel in Pristina regarding the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) on the composition of election committees.
"Upon arriving in Brussels, I was met with the news of Kurti’s large-scale attack on Serbian institutions. Together with the Belgrade delegation, I came with the intention of addressing the issue of missing persons today, while Kurti and Pristina chose the path of violence and unilateral actions. Such terror casts doubt on the dialogue itself. It is clear that Kurti alone is not to blame for this. The European Union also bears responsibility!" wrote Petkovic.
As a reminder, the Kosovo police raided the premises of PO Pristina and post offices in Gracanica, as well as in Kosovo Polje, Lipljan, and other locations south of the Ibar River.
Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Xhelal Svecla, confirmed that following the raids by the Kosovo police, Serbian municipalities in Lipljan, Obilic, Pristina, Kosovo Polje, Vucitrn, Novo Brdo, Kamenica, Vitina, Orahovac, and Srbica, as well as post offices and illegal tax offices, have been shut down.
He stated on the occasion, "The era of Serbia's parallel institutions in Kosovo is coming to an end."
Lako je postaviti pitanje, umeće je dobiti pravi odgovor. Sinteza - ozbiljna priča!
,,Newsmax Originals’’ je serijal koji donosi najvažnije priče i događaje iz savremene američke istorije, pružajući gledaocima jedinstven uvid u teme koje su oblikovale Sjedinjene Američke Države i njihov uticaj na svet.
Prikazuje karusel dnevnih objava I najnovijih vesti, sagledanih iz svih uglova. Spoj popularnih priča I najvažnijih vesti koje ostaju vidiljive danima, često inspirisana glavnim događajem dana ili nedelje.
Poslanica "Saveza Sara Vagenkneht" u nemačkom Bundestagu Žaklin Nastić optužila je Alternativu za Nemačku (AfD) da "patnju i nepravdu koja je učinjena Srbiji" zloupotrebljava u jeftine predizborne svrhe kako bi dobila glasove Srba iz dijaspore.
Pripadnici MUP, Odeljenja za borbu protiv korupcije Uprave kriminalističke policije, u saradnji sa Posebnim odeljenjem za suzbijanje korupcije Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Nišu, uhapsili su četiri osobe zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da su izvršile krivično delo zloupotreba službenog položaja.
Za Arenu Sport počinje novo doba, biće prisutna kod svih kablovskih operatera. Sa televizijama Euronews i Newsmax Balkans imamo velike ambicije, izjavio je u emisiji Stav dana direktor Telekoma Vladimir Lučić.
Uprava kriminalističke policije je po nalogu Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Nišu počela sa pretresima i privođenjima osumnjičenih na više lokacija u Nišu u nastavku akcije borbe protiv korupcije. Bivša gradonačelnica Dragana Sotirovski privedena je na graničnom prelazu Preševo.
Srbija je odavno zrela za reforme i studentski pokret je otvorio nadu za to. Studentski protesti su energija za reformu koja Srbiji zaista treba, podsetili su nas na patriotizam, solidarnost, jednakost, izjavio je predsednik Foruma za etničke odnose Dušan Janjić.
Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anti-Corruption Department of the Criminal Police Directorate, in cooperation with the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Nis, arrested four individuals.
We know the flaws of the European Union (EU), and we shouldn't glorify it, but for Serbia, there is nothing better and no alternative, said Jelica Minic from the European Movement.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, opened the 46th International Tourism Fair and, on this occasion, highlighted that 61 countries have confirmed their participation in Expo 2027 in Belgrade.
The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the closing arguments, requested a prison sentence for the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, closer to the maximum of five years, and a 10-year ban on holding public office, while his defense attorney requested an acquittal.
According to the new central projection of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS), inflation in Serbia will continue to stay within the target range for the next two years, which is 3.0 percent, plus or minus 1.5 percent, said NBS Vice Governor Zeljko Jovic.
The General Director of Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, stated that he is optimistic regarding the extension of the deadline for the imposition of US sanctions on NIS, and that it is currently difficult to predict by how long the deadline will be extended—whether by 45 or 90 days.
President of the United States, Donald Trump, appointed Serbian-American John Jovanovic as the President and CEO of the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM).
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