An appeal against this decision can be made to the Court of Appeals in Nis, as stated in a release by the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Zajecar.
The indictment also includes Dejan Dragijevic's father, Radoslav Dragijevic.
The indictment charges Srđan Jankovic and Dejan Dragijevic with the criminal offense of aggravated murder in co-perpetration, while Radoslav Dragijevic is charged with the criminal offenses of aiding the perpetrator after the crime and failing to report the crime and the perpetrator.
Foto: Privatna arhiva
The prosecution has proposed that the court sentence the two suspects to life imprisonment.
It is suspected that on March 26, Dejan Dragijevic and Srdjan Jankovic, while working for the JKP "Vodovod" in Banjsko Polje near Bor, hit the two-year-old girl with a vehicle and then placed her in the car.
They are suspected of throwing her body at a landfill, from where it was later moved. The body of Danka Ilic has not yet been found.
Radoslav Dragijevic is suspected of helping his son move the girl's body. Dejan Dragijevic’s brother, Dalibor Dragijevic, died on April 7 while being held in the premises of the Police Department in Bor.
Serijal otkriva ključne trenutke socijalizma, kulture i politike koji su oblikovali generacije, pružajući dubok i sveobuhvatan istorijski uvid.
PRESEK 3 ( R )
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
Newsmax ne prenosi samo vesti – analiziramo, istražujemo i objašnjavamo kako aktuelna dešavanja utiču na naš život. Pridružite nam se!
Tražite reč, pišite nam šta vas muči a mi ćemo Vam pomoći da rešite problem kroz razgovor sa ljudima koji su odgovorni i upućeni... Bićete u prilici da slušate i da pitate. Direktno i uživo. Pišite nam na mejl adresu
“Presek plus” je nova emisija na kanalu NewsMax Balkans televizije koja se emituje petkom od 21 čas. U 45 minuta “spakovali smo” najvažnije i najatraktivnije sadržaje iz naše produkcije Informativnog programa koji su obeležili nedelju za nama. Podsećamo, analiziramo, pojašnjavamo društvene, političke i ekonomske fenomene koji znaju da budu itekako komplikovani. “Presek plus” donosi i priliku da upoznate i druge naše kolege koji rade na “pravim vestima za prave ljude”, a nisu svakodnevno ispred TV kamera.
Strogo poverljivo nudi dubinski prikaz jedne od najintrigantnijih faza regionalne istorije, pružajući uvid u prošlost koja i dalje ima snažan uticaj na savremeno društvo.
Dekanka Filozofskog fakulteta u Nišu Natalija Jovanović napadnuta je nožem na Trgu Pavla Stojkovića i ona se nalazi u Urgentnom centru, potvrđeno je za Newsmax Balkans u Policijskoj upravi Niš.
Imao sam prilike da razgovaram sa njim i on je čestit čovek, što je teško naći u politici, kaže dopisnik Newsmax Balkans iz Čikaga Antonije Kovačević, komentarišući imenovanje Marka Brnovića za novog ambasadora SAD u Beogradu.
Pet osoba, koje su pre tri dana nestale na području Žagubice, pronašli su lovočuvari u kolibi na Beljanici. Prethodno je pronađen automobil u kome su se nalazili.
Studenti Fakulteta političkih nauka kojima su se pridružili građani održali su miran šestočasovni protest ispred zgrade u kojoj je televizija Informer.
All Serbian citizens temporarily residing in Myanmar, as well as the staff of the Serbian Embassy, are safe following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake, according to Gordana Jaksic, the chargé d'affaires at the Serbian Embassy in Yangon.
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an order for an international arrest warrant for the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Nenad Stevandic.
On March 24th the Newsmax Balkans channel launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina and programming also began airing in Montenegro. The editor-in-chief of Newsmax Balkans Milan Zoricic explained that the idea of uniting the Western Balkans under one media umbrella has been present from the very beginning.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that, in a phone conversation with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, they agreed to enhance bilateral relations between the two countries in all areas of society, including military and defense cooperation.
The debate on Serbia’s political situation will not be included in the agenda for the European Parliament's April plenary session, despite concerns over the use of sound weapons during a peaceful protest on March 15 in Belgrade.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Antonio Costa announced that they had an important meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, emphasizing that Serbia's future lies in the European Union.
By the decree of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, which was published in the Official Gazette, Dragan Sutanovac has been appointed as the Ambassador to the United States.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the European Union's Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Peter Sorensen, in Belgrade, and during the meeting, he informed him about the problems faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.
Newsmax Balkans television is continuing its expansion in the region. On Monday, March 24, a dedicated channel was launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and broadcasting began in Montenegro, where the Newsmax Balkans bureau has been significantly expanded.
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