In a statement on X, the Embassy of Serbia in Damascus called on citizens of the Republic of Serbia to immediately leave Syrian territory.
The security situation in Syria has worsened this week as Syrian rebel groups, led by the organization Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), entered two cities in central Syria, Rastan and Talbiseh, and advanced to within five kilometers of Homs, Syria's third-largest city.
Амбасада Републике Србије у Дамаску позива све држављане Републике Србије да хитно напусте територију Сиријске Арапске Републике.
— Serbia in Syria (@SRBinSyria) December 6, 2024
They had previously seized the cities of Hama and Aleppo in the north and announced plans to attack Damascus.
It should be recalled that the Syrian civil war began in 2011 during the Arab Spring, when the government suppressed an uprising against Assad, which escalated into a nationwide conflict.
The European Commission would like to see the opening of Cluster 3 in EU negotiations with Serbia, emphasized the new European Commissioner for Enlargement, Marta Kos, in Brussels.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated, regarding the lack of consensus among EU member states about opening new chapters in negotiations with Serbia, that Hungary will schedule a new meeting for next week.
Jutarnji program „Otvori oči“ gledaocima nudi analizu aktuelnih dešavanja od prethodnog dana i najavu predstojećih događaja uz analizu eminentnih stručnjaka i renomiranih gostiju. Emisija nudi uvid u aktuelna pitanja, uz kvalitetne analize i inspirativne price naših dopisnika I reportera koji će se uvek naći “na pravom mestu u pravo vreme”.
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
Jutarnji program „Otvori oči“ gledaocima nudi analizu aktuelnih dešavanja od prethodnog dana i najavu predstojećih događaja uz analizu eminentnih stručnjaka i renomiranih gostiju. Emisija nudi uvid u aktuelna pitanja, uz kvalitetne analize i inspirativne price naših dopisnika I reportera koji će se uvek naći “na pravom mestu u pravo vreme”.
Umesto standardnog prikaza postignuća i titula, ovaj serijal pruža dubinski uvid u njihove životne puteve, izazove, unutrašnje borbe i trenutke koji su oblikovali njihov karakter.
Naš dokumentarni program otvara vrata u svet prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti Srbije i Balkana
Naš dokumentarni program otvara vrata u svet prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti Srbije i Balkana
U požaru u diskoteci "Puls" u Kočanima, koji je izbio oko tri sata, poginulo je 59 osoba, dok je 155 ljudi povređeno. Poginuli su stari između 14 i 25 godina.
Direktor Centra za odgovorne medije Marko Matić ocenio je u emisiji Presek studentske proteste kao nenasilne, ističući da nisu deo nikakve obojene revolucije, kao i da je u subotu na ulicama Beograda postojala kritična masa koju nijedna policija ne bi mogla da razbije.
Od razornog sukoba u Ukrajini, preko humanitarne krize u Gazi, do oštrih migratornih politika nove američke administracije u SAD. Egzodus miliona ljudi čiji su životi zauvek promenjeni i dalje traje.
Prvo osnovno javno tužilastvo u Beogradu formiralo je predmet i naložilo MUP RS da utvrdi šta se tačno dogodilo na protestu u subotu, prilikom 15 minuta tišine, kada se začuo jak i neobičan zvuk koji je izazvao paniku, trčanje, guranje i padanje okupljenih građana u Ulici kralja Milana.
A Serbian military CASA C-295 aircraft transported 12 patients injured in the nightclub fire in Kocani, North Macedonia, to Belgrade, where they will receive treatment at the Military Medical Academy (VMA) and the Clinical Center of Serbia.
The First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has launched an investigation and instructed the police to determine what exactly happened during Saturday’s protest when a loud and unusual sound caused panic, prompting people to run, push, and fall on King Milan Street.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated that on Tuesday or Wednesday, during a session of the National Assembly of Serbia, the resignation of Prime Minister Milos Vucevic will be confirmed, marking the start of the deadline for forming a new government.
A student protest called "15th for 15" is being held in Belgrade, with the highest state officials appealing for everything to proceed peacefully and without incidents.
Diplomat Dr. Zoran Milivojevic, in an authorial article for Newsmax Balkans, analyzed the relationship of Serbia and Serbs toward the policy and new administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, reminding of the rich history between the two nations that has lasted for over a century.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated in a podcast with Donald Trump Jr. that Serbia has experienced significant economic development in recent years, maintains an independent and sovereign approach in international politics, but is also facing protests financed from abroad.
The Serbian Parliament has announced that, for security reasons, the buildings of the National Assembly will be closed from Friday to Monday to ensure that the scheduled gathering in Belgrade on March 15 proceeds without incidents.
The Speaker of the National Assembly of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, stated that the visit of U.S. President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., was a strong and direct political message of respect for Serbia.
Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric stated that he takes responsibility for Serbia’s vote at the United Nations (UN) in favor of the Ukrainian resolution condemning Russia.
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