Bosnian State prosecutors move against Milorad Dodik amid rising tensions
Bosnian state prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for Milorad Dodik, the president of Republika Srpska, along with several of his top officials, after they ignored a court summons.
The decision marks a significant escalation in the ongoing power struggle between the central government and the leadership of the Serb-majority entity, further straining Bosnia’s fragile political balance.
Dodik, a longtime advocate for Republika Srpska’s greater autonomy, is under investigation for what prosecutors describe as an "attack on the constitutional order." His government recently introduced legislation that seeks to block Bosnia’s judiciary and security institutions from operating within Republika Srpska, a move widely seen as an attempt to undermine the country’s legal framework.
Jelena Miovcic, a spokesperson for Bosnia’s State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), confirmed that the agency had been asked to assist in carrying out the arrests. However, it remains unclear whether authorities plan to detain Dodik or simply ensure his compliance with the legal summons.
Dodik’s standoff with the judiciary comes after he was sentenced to one year in prison for refusing to recognize the authority of Bosnia’s international peace envoy. While he has two weeks to appeal the verdict, he has instead doubled down on his defiance, continuing to push policies that directly challenge the state’s post-war structure.
Wider arrest orders and political backlash
Reports from Republika Srpska’s government suggest that state prosecutors have also ordered the arrests of Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and regional parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic, both of whom, like Dodik, are accused of failing to comply with legal proceedings.
In a direct response to mounting legal pressure, Republika Srpska’s parliament convened on Wednesday to discuss the adoption of a new constitution. If approved, the move would effectively nullify reforms agreed upon in the decades since the Dayton Peace Agreement ended Bosnia’s bloody civil war in 1995.
Speaking about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that every dialogue is better than displays of power and force, emphasizing that issues should be resolved through discussion and negotiation.
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued a first-instance verdict against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, sentencing him to one year in prison and a six-year ban on political activity for "disrespecting the decisions" of the High Representative in BiH, Christian Schmidt.
The leadership of Republika Srpska has dismissed the arrest orders as politically motivated. Stasa Kosarac, Bosnia’s foreign trade minister and a key member of Dodik’s ruling SNSD party, insisted that the state's institutions have no legitimacy in Republika Srpska.
"These unconstitutional institutions have no right to arrest President Dodik or the leadership of Srpska," Kosarac told the SRNA news agency. "This is nothing but an attack on our autonomy."
International reactions and military readiness
As tensions rise, the European Union’s peacekeeping force (EUFOR) has begun deploying additional troops to Bosnia to maintain security and prevent potential unrest.
Dodik has received strong backing from Russia, as well as from Serbia and Hungary, while Western powers continue to oppose his policies. The Russian government condemned the court ruling against him, calling it "a deliberate act of destabilization in the Balkans."
The United States, however, took a different stance. U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio warned that Dodik's actions were eroding Bosnia’s stability and called for regional partners to take a stand.
"These moves undermine Bosnia’s institutions and threaten security in the region," Rubio stated. "We urge our partners to join us in resisting this dangerous and destabilizing behavior."
Dodik, who has long sought closer ties with former U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration, has hoped for a shift in U.S. policy that would be more sympathetic to Republika Srpska’s separatist ambitions. However, recent statements from Washington suggest that the U.S. remains firmly against his agenda.
Warnings from the International Community
Christian Schmidt, Bosnia’s international peace envoy, has strongly criticized Republika Srpska’s attempts to rewrite its constitutional status. He warned that such efforts directly violate the Dayton Agreement, which was designed to maintain peace in the region.
"This is a direct challenge to Bosnia’s constitutional order and a dangerous step that threatens the stability of the country," Schmidt stated, urging Republika Srpska’s lawmakers to abandon the plan.
Bosnia remains divided into two autonomous regions; Republika Srpska and Federation, linked by a weak central government. Since the end of the war, international oversight has played a crucial role in preventing further conflict, but Dodik’s latest actions have reignited fears of political fragmentation.
As pressure mounts, Bosnia now stands at a critical juncture. The confrontation between state authorities and Republika Srpska’s leadership has the potential to reshape the country’s future, either reinforcing its fragile unity or pushing it closer to a dangerous breaking point.
Prikazuje karusel dnevnih objava I najnovijih vesti, sagledanih iz svih uglova. Spoj popularnih priča I najvažnijih vesti koje ostaju vidiljive danima, često inspirisana glavnim događajem dana ili nedelje.
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Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Lako je postaviti pitanje, umeće je dobiti pravi odgovor. Sinteza - ozbiljna priča!
Umesto standardnog prikaza postignuća i titula, ovaj serijal pruža dubinski uvid u njihove životne puteve, izazove, unutrašnje borbe i trenutke koji su oblikovali njihov karakter.
Filmovi « Zastava filma » obuhvataju teme koje su najvećim delom vezane za događaje u kojima je vojska, kroz motiv odbrane zemlje, požrtvovanosti i hrabrosti, simbol jedne države i njenog istorijskog nasleđa. U tom pogledu dokumentarni filmovi obrađuju kako događaje pre Drugog svetskog rata, tako najvećim delom one priče koji su vezani za posledice ratnih godina ili i za same životne sudbine onih koji su bili deo njih. Svojim izborom tema filmovi « Zastava filma » su ceo svoj serijal posvetili i istoriji Jugoslovenske narodne armije koju su činili građani na odsluženju vojnog roka, njihovim pričama i dogodovštinama, ali i onim temama koje su deo razvoja moderne srpske vojske, a posebno njenom zadatku odbrane državnih granica. Duga filmska tradicija « Zastave filma » tako doprinosi rasvetljavanju jedne od najvažnijih tema za opstanak jednog društva i otvara brojne teme i dileme vezane za uspon i očuvanje teritorijalnih vrednosti srpske države
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu stupa u generalni štrajk od ponedeljka 17. marta i trajaće dok ne budu ispunjeni zahtevi studenata, potvrdila je za Newsmax Balkans profesorka tog fakulteta Valentina Arsić Arsenijević.
Vuk Drašković, koji je za vreme vladavine bivšeg predsednika Srbije i SRJ Slobodana Miloševića bio jedan od ključnih predstavnika opozicije i glavni akter prvih demonstracija 9. marta 1991. godine, izjavio je za Newsmax Balkans da u protestima studenata sada vidi zaostavštinu 9. marta 1991. godine.
Tužilaštvo BiH izdalo je naredbu za privođenje Milorada Dodika, Radovana Viškovića i Nenada Stevandića zbog optužbi za "napad na ustavni poredak". SIPA je potvrdila da je zatražena njena asistencija, a privođenje može izvršiti sudska policija uz pomoć bilo koje policijske agencije.
Ukrajina je prihvatila predlog SAD za uvođenje 30-dnevnog prekida vatre, prenosi Rojters. SAD će prekinuti pauzu u pružanju obaveštajne i bezbednosne pomoći Ukrajini, saopštili su zvaničnici dve zemlje nakon sastanka u Džedi.
Students are blocking the buildings of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) in Takovska Street and Radio Television of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, where strong police force is present.
A 40-year-old man, who was arrested on Sunday for attacking Serbia’s Minister of Culture, Nikola Selakovic, has reached a plea agreement with the prosecution.
President of Serbia attended a session of the government, where, as he stated, the current security situation in the country and the region was discussed, especially security challenges in Kosovo and Metohija, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as all aspects of the protests on March 15th.
The director of EXPO 2027, Dusan Borovcanin, told Newsmax Balkans that the opposition’s request to cancel the international exhibition in Belgrade does not pose a threat to its realization.
Speaking about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that every dialogue is better than displays of power and force, emphasizing that issues should be resolved through discussion and negotiation.
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