Session of the Novi Sad Assembly Held: Opposition boycotted and disrupted the work, proposals adopted without discussion
The session of the Novi Sad City Assembly was held despite the opposition's boycott and disruption, with all items on the agenda adopted without discussion. Students and citizens of Novi Sad gathered overnight in front of the City Assembly to prevent the session, police intervened during this time.
After all the agenda items were adopted without discussion, the session of the Novi Sad Assembly was concluded.
Despite the opposition's disruption, the President of the City Assembly, Dina Vučinić, led the session and put the agenda items to a vote.
Before that, opposition councilors stood up from their seats, gathered around the chairperson’s table, raised banners featuring a red hand, and made noise.
Serbia has declared a Day of Mourning following the tragic fire at a nightclub in Kocani, Northern Macedonia, where at least 59 people lost their lives, and 155 were injured. The Macedonian government has declared a seven-day mourning period.
A student protest called "15th for 15" is being held in Belgrade, with the highest state officials appealing for everything to proceed peacefully and without incidents.
The First Basic Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade has launched an investigation and instructed the police to determine what exactly happened during Saturday’s protest when a loud and unusual sound caused panic, prompting people to run, push, and fall on King Milan Street.
Vucinic called on them to return to their seats and participate in the work, while she urged the ruling majority representatives to focus on voting and not respond to provocations.
Opposition: Banners and noise
The Novi Sad City Assembly session began shortly after ten am, with the budget for this year on the agenda.
The session began with a moment of silence for the victims of the fire in North Macedonia.
As reported by Newsmax Balkans, the opposition entered the hall before the session started but boycotted the session itself due to, as they stated, events during the protests in Belgrade and incidents that occurred overnight in front of the Assembly.
Additionally, in an official statement issued by the opposition councilors on Monday, it was stated that they would not attend the session because it was scheduled "today for tomorrow."
Foto: Tanjug/Skupština Grada Novog Sada/Gordana Jović Atlagić
The opposition also emphasized that over a hundred agenda items should have gone through the Assembly's working bodies and be discussed at a broader city level to assess the real needs of the people of Novi Sad.
Dusko Loncar, a councilor from the Green-Left Front in the Novi Sad Assembly, highlighted that members of the riot police used batons to hit the gathered students and threw barriers at them, despite their shouts and pleas to stop beating them, while holding their hands up in a peaceful protest.
"We will fight both on the streets, in blockades, and in institutions where, in coordination with students, we will demand accountability from the regime. We will not back down from this; we owe it to the victims and the students who have been waking up Serbia from the smallest village to the largest cities," Loncar said.
"Excessive Use of Force"
Students blocking the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad commented on the events in the city, stating that the police actions were not in line with the Serbian Constitution and that “excessive force” was used against the students.
Foto: Tanjug/Nenad Mihajlović
Students and citizens gathered in front of the City Assembly unfurled a banner that read "Session on a Day of Mourning?" with a Macedonian flag drawn in the shape of a heart. The students had previously stated that they opposed the session being held on a Day of Mourning due to the tragedy in North Macedonia.
Interior Ministry Comments on the Incident
Regarding the incident in front of the Novi Sad City Assembly during the night, the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that the police "demonstrated calmness and responsibility despite the intense attack," and they stated that one police officer sustained minor injuries.
"The gathered citizens ignored the clear police order to leave the area, where they were illegally gathered, remove barriers, and allow passage for police officers, who then escorted them away from the building. M. P. (1988) was found in front of the City Assembly, who had been banned from attending public gatherings by the Basic Court in February. He was taken for questioning by the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Novi Sad," the police statement said.
Foto: Newsmax Balkans/Dunja Kovačević
They added that the police showed “a high level of professionalism, calmness, and responsibility, despite the intense attack by the gathered citizens," maintaining control over the situation and doing everything to protect the institution while ensuring the safety of the citizens.
During this incident, they noted, one police officer sustained minor injuries when an unidentified individual attempted to seize his shield.
Young People Welcoming the Dawn in Front of the Assembly
The youth welcomed the dawn in front of the Novi Sad City Assembly, with citizens bringing them blankets, food, and hot drinks. They also set up Styrofoam.
As reported by our reporter, the gathered students and citizens stated that they would remain in front of the building until the end of the session, but did not specify what would happen afterward.
Opposition councilors entered the city parliament building after receiving permission from the citizens and students who spent the night in front of the institution. They showed their councilor IDs, and the police cordon allowed them to enter.
As a reminder, overnight, there was pushing between the police and demonstrators, with the police in riot gear and barriers placed in front of the institution.
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
Tražite reč, pišite nam šta vas muči a mi ćemo Vam pomoći da rešite problem kroz razgovor sa ljudima koji su odgovorni i upućeni... Bićete u prilici da slušate i da pitate. Direktno i uživo. Pišite nam na mejl adresu
Jutarnji program „Otvori oči“ gledaocima nudi analizu aktuelnih dešavanja od prethodnog dana i najavu predstojećih događaja uz analizu eminentnih stručnjaka i renomiranih gostiju. Emisija nudi uvid u aktuelna pitanja, uz kvalitetne analize i inspirativne price naših dopisnika I reportera koji će se uvek naći “na pravom mestu u pravo vreme”.
Newsmax se bavi temama, a ne pukim prenošenjem informacija. Informišemo, ali želimo I da objasnimo, analiziramo, istražimo. Osvrnućemo se na izazove i prilike s kojima se suočavamo, analizirajući kako se aktuelna dešavanja reflektuju na naš svakodnevni život. Kroz razgovore sa stručnjacima i akterima iz različitih oblasti, pružićemo dublji uvid u važne teme koje se tiču politike, ekonomije, obrazovanja i društvene pravde. Pridružite nam se u ovoj analizi i saznajte više o pitanjima koja su važna za sve nas.
Jutarnji program „Otvori oči“ gledaocima nudi analizu aktuelnih dešavanja od prethodnog dana i najavu predstojećih događaja uz analizu eminentnih stručnjaka i renomiranih gostiju. Emisija nudi uvid u aktuelna pitanja, uz kvalitetne analize i inspirativne price naših dopisnika I reportera koji će se uvek naći “na pravom mestu u pravo vreme”.
Lako je postaviti pitanje, umeće je dobiti pravi odgovor. Sinteza - ozbiljna priča!
Ispred Ministarstva prosvete održan je protest pod sloganom "Zdravo i bezbedno obrazovanje" koji su organizovali Udružena prosveta Srbije, zajedno sa Udruženim roditeljima Srbije i studentima u blokadi.
Newsmax Balkans televizija nastavlja ekspanziju u regionu. U ponedeljak, 24. marta, pokrenut je poseban kanal u BiH i počeli smo sa emitovanjem programa u Crnoj Gori gde je otvoreno prošireno dopisništvo Newsmax Balkansa.
Ukazima predsednika Aleksandra Vučića, koji su objavljeni u Službenom glasniku, na dužnost izvanrednog i opunomoćenog ambasadora Republike Srbije u SAD postavljen je Dragan Šutanovac, a opozvana je Jelena Milić sa dužnosti izvanrednog i opunomoćenog ambasadora u Hrvatskoj.
Prisustvujemo poplavi neozbiljnosti od ljudi koji imaju dovoljno godina da budu ozbiljni. Samo deo studenata je u blokadi, u zemlji ih ima mnogo više, pitam se gde su i zašto ćute na ovo, izjavio je u emisiji Sinteza filmski i pozorišni reditelj Ljubiša Ristić.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Antonio Costa announced that they had an important meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, emphasizing that Serbia's future lies in the European Union.
By the decree of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, which was published in the Official Gazette, Dragan Sutanovac has been appointed as the Ambassador to the United States.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the European Union's Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Peter Sorensen, in Belgrade, and during the meeting, he informed him about the problems faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.
Newsmax Balkans television is continuing its expansion in the region. On Monday, March 24, a dedicated channel was launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and broadcasting began in Montenegro, where the Newsmax Balkans bureau has been significantly expanded.
The Serbian government has sent a letter to the U.S. administration expressing support for the request by Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) to postpone the implementation of sanctions announced by the United States due to the company's Russian ownership.
The 18-year-old who was seriously injured in the canopy collapse at the Novi Sad Railway Station on November 1st has died at the Military Medical Academy (VMA).
The resigning Prime Minister of Serbia Milos Vucevic stated that he sent a letter to U.S. Vice President JD Vance, in which he supported the initiative of Serbian President to involve U.S. investigative authorities in the examination of the claims regarding the use of a "sound cannon" on March 15th.
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte announced that he and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic discussed the crucial importance of maintaining regional security, as well as ways to further strengthen NATO-Serbia relations.
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