Letter to Vice President JD Vance on the Inclusion of the U.S. in the Investigation of Alleged Use of Sound Cannon
The resigning Prime Minister of Serbia Milos Vucevic stated that he sent a letter to U.S. Vice President JD Vance, in which he supported the initiative of Serbian President to involve U.S. investigative authorities in the examination of the claims regarding the use of a "sound cannon" on March 15th.
Vucevic stated on Instagram that in his letter to Vance, he thanked the American people for everything they had done for the Serbs during pivotal historical moments in both world wars, as well as after them.
"I reminded the esteemed Vice President of all the cultural ties that connect our two countries and emphasized the full readiness of the Serbian leadership to open new chapters in Serbian-American relations," Vucevic wrote.
Minister of Internal Affairs Ivica Dacic stated that a "key piece of evidence" was made public, confirming that LRAD was not used at the March 15 gathering in Belgrade. This was verified by the American manufacturer Genasys.
Uncertainty still surrounds the events of the March 15 protest in Belgrade, held in honor of the victims of the tragedy in Novi Sad. Chris Mattmann, data analyst and former chief technology officer at NASA, believes that video footage does not indicate the use of a "sound cannon."
He added that he also supported President Vucic’s initiative regarding the inclusion of U.S. investigative authorities in examining what he called the false claims of opposition media about the alleged use of a "sound cannon" or another similar device during the unannounced protest on March 15th.
"I look forward to a new era of development in Serbian-American relations and the renewed closeness that has characterized our relations for over a century," Vucevic wrote in his post.
Prikazuje karusel dnevnih objava I najnovijih vesti, sagledanih iz svih uglova. Spoj popularnih priča I najvažnijih vesti koje ostaju vidiljive danima, često inspirisana glavnim događajem dana ili nedelje.
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
,,Newsmax Originals’’ je serijal koji donosi najvažnije priče i događaje iz savremene američke istorije, pružajući gledaocima jedinstven uvid u teme koje su oblikovale Sjedinjene Američke Države i njihov uticaj na svet.
Filmovi « Zastava filma » obuhvataju teme koje su najvećim delom vezane za događaje u kojima je vojska, kroz motiv odbrane zemlje, požrtvovanosti i hrabrosti, simbol jedne države i njenog istorijskog nasleđa. U tom pogledu dokumentarni filmovi obrađuju kako događaje pre Drugog svetskog rata, tako najvećim delom one priče koji su vezani za posledice ratnih godina ili i za same životne sudbine onih koji su bili deo njih. Svojim izborom tema filmovi « Zastava filma » su ceo svoj serijal posvetili i istoriji Jugoslovenske narodne armije koju su činili građani na odsluženju vojnog roka, njihovim pričama i dogodovštinama, ali i onim temama koje su deo razvoja moderne srpske vojske, a posebno njenom zadatku odbrane državnih granica. Duga filmska tradicija « Zastave filma » tako doprinosi rasvetljavanju jedne od najvažnijih tema za opstanak jednog društva i otvara brojne teme i dileme vezane za uspon i očuvanje teritorijalnih vrednosti srpske države
Tražite reč, pišite nam šta vas muči a mi ćemo Vam pomoći da rešite problem kroz razgovor sa ljudima koji su odgovorni i upućeni... Bićete u prilici da slušate i da pitate. Direktno i uživo. Pišite nam na mejl adresu trazimrec@newsmaxtv.rs
Emisija kolažnog tipa koju čine prilozi naših dopisnika sa zanimljivim pričama iz čitave Srbije, ali i regiona Balkana. Teme nisu vezane za dnevne događaje već obrađuju zanimljive priče iz ugla običnog, malog čoveka, koje su karakteristične za različite krajeve.
Odbornici Skupštine Gradske opštine Vračar podneli su krivičnu prijavu protiv direktorke osnovne škole "Sveti Sava" Jovane Milenković, zbog sumnje da je izvršila krivično delo Neotklanjanje opasnosti u produženom trajanju.
Roditelji učenika Devete beogradske gimnazije koji se nalaze u blokadi nastave okupili su se ispred te škole kako bi pružili podršku svojoj deci kojoj su, kako tvrde, pojedini nastavnici pretili i govorili im da su ekstremisti i teroristi.
Vlada u tehničkom mandatu nastavlja sa represivnim merama prema direktorima škola, a nas kao roditelje brine što se veoma malo pitamo u celoj ovoj situaciji, kažu sagovornice Newsmax Balkans iz Udruženih roditelja Srbije.
Novinarka Deana Pavlović je na ulici nemačkog grada Bona, gde živi sa svojom porodicom, ugledala potpuno nago dete koje se smrzava i sedi na klupi i pritekla mu u pomoć, dok su ostali prolazili pored njega. O tome je pričala u emisiji Tražim reč.
All Serbian citizens temporarily residing in Myanmar, as well as the staff of the Serbian Embassy, are safe following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake, according to Gordana Jaksic, the chargé d'affaires at the Serbian Embassy in Yangon.
The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an order for an international arrest warrant for the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska, Nenad Stevandic.
On March 24th the Newsmax Balkans channel launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina and programming also began airing in Montenegro. The editor-in-chief of Newsmax Balkans Milan Zoricic explained that the idea of uniting the Western Balkans under one media umbrella has been present from the very beginning.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced that, in a phone conversation with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, they agreed to enhance bilateral relations between the two countries in all areas of society, including military and defense cooperation.
The debate on Serbia’s political situation will not be included in the agenda for the European Parliament's April plenary session, despite concerns over the use of sound weapons during a peaceful protest on March 15 in Belgrade.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Antonio Costa announced that they had an important meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels, emphasizing that Serbia's future lies in the European Union.
By the decree of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, which was published in the Official Gazette, Dragan Sutanovac has been appointed as the Ambassador to the United States.
President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with the European Union's Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, Peter Sorensen, in Belgrade, and during the meeting, he informed him about the problems faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.
Newsmax Balkans television is continuing its expansion in the region. On Monday, March 24, a dedicated channel was launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and broadcasting began in Montenegro, where the Newsmax Balkans bureau has been significantly expanded.
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