Brnabic: Parliament session in about ten days, I would prefer a new government over elections
The President of the Assembly of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, stated for Newsmax Balkans that a session of the parliament will most likely be scheduled in about ten days, during which the resignation of the President of the Government of Serbia would, among other things, be acknowledged.
"It depends on many things—on the situation in society, the level of tensions, on consultations with the executive power about whether some bills already in process, which are important for citizens, such as the law on affordable housing loans for young people, should be discussed at the session," said Brnabic.
The Speaker of the Parliament hopes that the session, when it is held, “will be decent” and that it will pass in a “civilized, parliamentary” atmosphere.
Brnabic says she is always in favor of dialogue with representatives of parliamentary groups and, in that regard, is for holding a collegium of the National Assembly.
She said that she would prefer the election of a new government because she believes that early parliamentary elections are not necessary at this time.
“Except in the part that we see on the streets, that the parliamentary opposition has lost all legitimacy and that, in that sense, it is good for the parliament to have people who truly represent someone. I deeply believe that the opposition in the parliament no longer represents anyone,” Brnabic said.
Prime Minister of Serbia Milos Vucevic stated that the ruling coalition is leaning closer to the decision of forming a new government but did not rule out the possibility of calling elections, adding that a final decision on the matter will be made within ten days.
She noted that on the streets there is an extra-institutional struggle, which is a problem for any democracy and its citizens.
In response to the question of whether she would accept to once again take the helm of the executive branch in the country, Brnabic said that she had not thought about it.
“I don’t think this is the moment to think about it. I think that each of us must do our job as well as possible because there are many challenges. We need to find a way to establish dialogue,” said Brnabic.
The National Assembly, as the highest representative and legislative body, must play a significant role in this regard, emphasized Brnabic, adding that the debate must return to institutions.
The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated that in the next 10 to 12 days, the resignation of the government and its president, Milos Vucevic, should be acknowledged, meaning that from February 17 or 18, the 30-day deadline for forming a new government or calling elections begins.
The resignation of the prime minister arrived in the Serbian Parliament three days ago. As a reminder, on January 28, he submitted an irrevocable resignation after students in Novi Sad were attacked during a blockade.
Lako je postaviti pitanje, umeće je dobiti pravi odgovor. Sinteza - ozbiljna priča!
Strogo poverljivo nudi dubinski prikaz jedne od najintrigantnijih faza regionalne istorije, pružajući uvid u prošlost koja i dalje ima snažan uticaj na savremeno društvo.
Prikazuje karusel dnevnih objava I najnovijih vesti, sagledanih iz svih uglova. Spoj popularnih priča I najvažnijih vesti koje ostaju vidiljive danima, često inspirisana glavnim događajem dana ili nedelje.
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Te godine kada je ubijen, Zoran Đinđić je imao nameru da rešimo tri velika problema. To su borba sa kriminalom, odnosi sa Crnom Gorom i kosovsko pitanje, rekao je bivši srpski premijer Zoran Živković za Newsmax Balkans.
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President of Serbia attended a session of the government, where, as he stated, the current security situation in the country and the region was discussed, especially security challenges in Kosovo and Metohija, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as all aspects of the protests on March 15th.
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